By shredded - 12/02/2011 00:26 - United Kingdom

Today, I spent three and a half hours creating a Wikipedia page for myself. Three minutes after publishing, it was deleted due to me being a "Non-notable person nobody's ever heard of." FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 324
You deserved it 56 172

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twisted107 4

that's probably why it got deleted

you think that highly of yourself? aww, did your poor ego get a boo-boo?


Um yeah. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not a Facebook.

trying to pull the Lorenzo von matterhorn huh?

JudgeComrade 17

You are everything that is wrong with the internet.

It says that because you are a non-notable person that nobody has ever heard of. Well sorry that your feelings got hurt, thats what you get for trying to be someone you really aren't.

Not to be rude, but you kinda deserved it. Unless you're famous or have done something highly credible, it's not going to accept your page. Wikipedia is a site for information on things people actually want to learn about; if they have no idea who you are, they have no reason to look you up. If you want to write about yourself, go to Facebook or something.

Sirracha 5

You and like 6.9 billion other people lol