By illenram06 - 11/07/2011 15:37 - Philippines

Today, I spent the entire day in my room trying to figure out how to get rid of my psycho boyfriend without dying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 772
You deserved it 6 688

Same thing different taste


mldiettert 0

Been there done that almost died... good luck!!!!

Alyssa20 5

I just went through the same thing. we dated for 5 months, and by the time we broke up he was a completely different person. I loved him and I don't remember ever seeing that side of him, but I'm still scared. I'm scared to death of him. So I recently got a protective order against him, but I'm still scared.

tell him your lesbian ........ and all you can think about is naked girl and that your sorry but you don't think it's going to work between you both.... worth a shot :)

act gross and find a way for him to break up with you

kportal69 5

kill or be killed. enough said.

megatone 2

if you can find them, the A-Team

holakittylover 0
stoptrying 9

I hope you're a troll. I really, really do.