
By Anonymous - 26/05/2022 04:00

Today, I asked my girlfriend why my new package of condoms was open. When she failed to change the subject, she responded with, “This is why you’re a depressive crybaby who’ll die alone!” The fight ended with me proposing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 477
You deserved it 3 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would you propose? to make yourself more miserable then you already are? break up with her. she is cheating

So you proposed after you realised that not only is she cheating on you but is making you pay for the condoms to do it. You deserve every moment of pain she gives you if you're dumb enough to continue.


why would you propose? to make yourself more miserable then you already are? break up with her. she is cheating

Still a better love story than Twilight. Yes, I’ll see myself out now. Worth it.

So you proposed after you realised that not only is she cheating on you but is making you pay for the condoms to do it. You deserve every moment of pain she gives you if you're dumb enough to continue.

Nikki 17

She sounds incredibly manipulative and emotionally abusive, I hope you can find the strength to get away from her!

kitten79TX 5

This doesn't make any sense. You discovered she's cheating and you proposed instead of breaking up??? Call it all off and get away from this toxic person. If you don't, you'll be miserable for the rest of your life. And heads up, she's not going to stop cheating because you've just showed her you'll tolerate it.

Wadlaen 23

Congratulations!! And good luck!!!

wrenavery90 12

Wait what?? You think she cheated so you proposed? I'm a little confused by that.