By Anonymous - 06/04/2015 16:18 - United States

Today, I spent my last $50 to get a ticket to take my daughter out for a nice birthday dinner tonight. It wasn't until after I purchased it that I realized the restaurant isn't even open on Mondays. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 913
You deserved it 5 576

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just take her tomorrow. I'm sure she'll understand.

Is there any way you could get a refund? But explain what happened to your daughter and she'll most likely understand.


Just take her tomorrow. I'm sure she'll understand.

LeFrancaisRaleur 9

That will not be her birthday anymore.. :/

#17's right. Best to cancel everything and not go tomorrow as it's not OPs daughters actual birthday, and it cannot be a day late... #17: T'as jamais fêté un anniversaire un jour en retard? Ou le weekend qui suit? On s'en fout si c'est pas le jour même, c'est le geste qui compte.

Welp 22, reading that i learned that retard is retard French or English

Haha, no, "retard" in French is "late". I was asking if he had never celebrated a birthday a day late, or even the following weekend. I'm not mean enough to call someone a retard for a comment like that.

Nice clarification, pardon my lack of culture ;)

gintwinsmoore 20

yeah, what #22 said in French. lol

Is there any way you could get a refund? But explain what happened to your daughter and she'll most likely understand.

Just tell her there was a complication with the dinner plans, and tomorrow would be the next available day.

Maybe call the restaurant and explain the situation. They might just honor it! Regardless, it's a wonderful thing you did and I'm sure she'll appreciate it.

The problem is not whether they'll honor it or not. The problem is that they aren't open. So they can't go to dinner at that restaurant, nor can they go anywhere else because they have no money left. They won't be able to get a refund very quickly either.

I'm sure your daughter won't mind . You couldn't have used the last o your money in a better way!

You could always get a refund and take her to whatever place she wants to go to. At least she knows you wanted to give her something special.

colvindj 22

It's the thought and effort that counts. just take her there some other time then

that's nice of you.... but you still could make her happy for her birthday without being broke just saying

nothing wrong with a nice homemade dinner in the has da added effect of love