By Noname - 16/02/2009 06:41 - United States

Today, I took a friend out for what I thought was date. After dinner was over and I paid, she pulled the bill out and wrote her name phone number on it for the waiter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 401
You deserved it 3 662

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow what a bitch. even if she didnt know it was a date, if you paid for her, that is absurdly rude.


loma sorry but u really made me laugh out loud

wow what a bitch. even if she didnt know it was a date, if you paid for her, that is absurdly rude.

lemonkid44 0

wait wasn't this up a few weeks ago?

#9 I understand what you're saying, but in this case it's dicey since it's not out of the question for one friend to pay for another without romantic intentions (I'm assuming she's actually a friend and not a casual acquaintance). The fact that she didn't know it was a date is a bit of a sticking point as that's the kind of thing that should be nailed down when the offer is extended.

Very simple rule: If you haven't at least seen her naked yet, don't pay for the whole bill. Ever. It's an easy test to determine if the girl you are with is a bitch. If she expects you to pay, forget it.

truth is right on the money here.... Now, let this one soak in.... You are the kind of guy who can't get a girl who gives out her number to strangers/servers.

CanadAssassiN 0

Yea, what everyone else sead... If they dont say in plain text: " its a date " then its probably not-but still its brutal for her to have done that right in front of you...

Like #25, I would've left her with the check.