By Shadowfigure23 - 10/07/2009 22:28 - United States

Today, I spent most of my morning comforting the guy I love because his fiancée dumped him for some other guy. He continuously told me I had no clue that kind of pain he was in. He dumped me three years ago for the girl that just left him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 498
You deserved it 9 821

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why do you still love him when he left you for someone else?

kopei 0

Karma hit him right in the face!


Why are you comforting him? I'm sorry but its time to move on and be happy. Don't stay in the past for some douchebag.

After 3 years you still love him, even though he left you for someone else? Ever heard of moving on?

Karma is like a boomerang, takes a long round trip and comes straight back to hit you in the face

Some people are obliviously to the pain they cause others. I'm sorry OP, FYL.

You poor girl! You should have told him exactly what you thought! What a hypocrite. You seem to still love him, and I'm sorry, I know you can't control that.

Elfkid21 19

then you are an idiot for comforting him, Fool.

And you're still friends with him? Wow you're a better person than me, I would never talk to him again....

what goes around comes around. screw him.

VoodooPriestess 16

You are just like my mother, which mean I have no sympathy. I hate hearing these love stories and people complaining about the situation their love puts them in when in reality you people are putting yourself in these situations. It's fine to be friends with the guy, but if you're still so in love with him, why did you think it was a good idea to be the one comforting him? On that note when people are sad, their range of sight is absolutely limited. It probably didn't go beyond FML to him.