By Ashley Youngman - 16/06/2019 20:04

Today, I spent five minutes shaking a bowl of Jello because it looked cool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 055
You deserved it 1 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why do you think you eat it with a spoon... so you can smack each piece cause it's been bad and watch them all jiggle


why do you think you eat it with a spoon... so you can smack each piece cause it's been bad and watch them all jiggle

manb91gb 15

I don't think you're ready for that jelly

As long as you didn't tell it to twerk, you're good.

I once spent an hour watching dry dirt flowing down a hill. I kept poking little clumps because I liked how it looked when it turned to powder and started running down though the pebbles and over the edge like a waterfall.

I once spent an hour watching dry dirt flowing down a hill. I kept poking little clumps because I liked how it looked when it turned to powder and started running down though the pebbles and over the edge like a waterfall.

Hey, this is the interent and you'll find your people here. There's an entire blog (or tumblr or whatever) devoted to people posting vidoes of good jello wobbles.