By Anonymous - 13/03/2015 19:35 - Bahrain - Manama

Today, I spent 5 hours organizing my porn collection on my computer. What the hell am I doing with my life? FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 399
You deserved it 27 654

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone needs a hobby... Don't beat yourself up over it!

He is obviously consumed if it took 5 hours...


You need to sort out your priorities.

Apparently spending 5 hours organizing **** collection. Honestly if you have all that time to spend on your own collection do the world a favor and go work with a site. help us all out by organizing those. Hobby and Job being the same thing is a definite plus

The real question is, why do you download ****?

Now you just have to use these categorizing and organizing skills somewhere else !

foxmatrix15 8

Keep orgy, ******, and oral in different files in alphabetical order. I've heard i really wouldn't know "look up and whistle"

Who the hell downloads **** anymore? Ever heard of p hub?

People keep asking this question, so obviously you are aware that people download ****. Why is it so different to downloading series when there are a lot streaming websites? Yet, nobody gives a **** how you watch your series. Just let people consume the way they wanna consume

Lol on the YDI The # is 6999 he deserves it probably but I don't wanna hit the button for comedic reasons