By nohair - 24/04/2011 14:06 - United States

Today, I shaved my head because I heard that one of my good friends got cancer. I went to visit her in the hospital. She's not bald. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 574
You deserved it 60 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jvillan87 5

well at least you were being supportive.

jellyybeans 5

well it doesn't instantly happen as soon as they get cancer. but you sound like a good friend (:


jvillan87 5

well at least you were being supportive.

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I shaved my head when my dad had cancer, but I had the advantage of knowing he was bald. but I commend you for trying

it depends on the severity of the cancer, right? so kemo therapy may or may not come soon? it's great that you were supportive about it, though

krazyvato 0

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She was trying to be supportive, not trying to make fun of her friend you douche.

MeowingKat 0

y wud u agave ur hed... that wud make them feel worse.

It was a very nice thing that OP did. 81; OP wasn't making fun. grow up.

"Whine whine my good friends suffering from cancer isn't visible with a bald head" -OP grow up

shut the **** up 81 you don't know friends and family shave their heads to support that person going through it so they don't go through it alone

krazyvato 0

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krazyvato 0

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Well I highly doubt someone like you would even get a girlfriend in the first place! So I wouldn't worry about that if I were you :)

krazyvato 0

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purplemnm 9

krazyvato is Justin Bieber?! get a life, you douche.

kevanski 0
towhomitmayconce 0

at least you avoided a hairy situation...

every1luvsvag 10

If I was a twat, I would say,"I see what you did there."

Really surely avoiding a hairy situation would be deciding to shave her hair, at the last minute not shaving it.

Yup, 19 is right. If that were the case THEN this comment would be win...well to me anyway.

every1luvsvag 10
A7X_LoVeee 10

hmmm you're calling people tears yet you made your name similar to boners. Umm okay..

every1luvsvag 10

Because I am stalking Mr. Boners. Besides, he loves me and I have made his dreams come true.

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Thats sweet and all but you could've just sent a get well soon card.

missy_lynn012 0
jellyybeans 5

well it doesn't instantly happen as soon as they get cancer. but you sound like a good friend (:

and sometimes it doesn't at all. my dad had cancer and was undergoing treatments for nearly two years before his death and his hair was fine.

Yeah, out of all the people I know with cancer, only about 10% lost their hair and it was about a year in for them. A supportive gesture but unnecessary. I hope the friend takes it in the spirit meant.

cancer patients usually lose their hair because of chemotherapy. if the OPs friend hasn't had chemo yet then her hair is very less likely to fall off.

sammi955 0

yeah I had cancer and my hair actually got a lot thicker than it was before!

not only with chemo, but with radiation treatment as well

ShelbyyCakess 0

thats such a sweet thing to do. at least you're supportive<3

thebestof1984 0

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jordanprodigy023 0

Check your facts first but I do commend you. That's very brave

I don't get the idea of how was it supposed to help her even if she was bald...

balex_fml 0

OP's tryibg to be supportive. A lot of people lose their hair when they do chemo.

I know what happens when you get cancer because my grandmother died that way. But this shaving thing reaminds me of this south park episode with “Conjoined Twin Myslexia Awareness Week”...