Can he fix it?

By Chelsy - 11/09/2019 12:00 - Australia - Canberra

Today, I found out that when my boyfriend is drunk he pretends to be Bob the Builder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 365
You deserved it 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If my SO went around screaming "YES, I CAN" at the top of their lungs then I'd be upset too.


If my SO went around screaming "YES, I CAN" at the top of their lungs then I'd be upset too.

WeirdUS 29

Does he legitimately try to fix stuff when he is drunk? That could be dangerous and exspensive.

Can he drive a nail straight, if you know what I mean?;)

Being interesting to see who he imitates after getting his "nail (too) bent." ;-)

And does he like having his helmet played with?