By needfulthing - 19/11/2010 15:00 - United States

Today, I sent a text to a guy I'd met over the weekend. He'd traveled 40 miles to my town for the date, so I picked up the tab for dinner. My text simply said, "Had a nice time. Looking forward to getting together again." His reply was, "When did you get so needy?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 746
You deserved it 3 831

Same thing different taste

Top comments

janabanana18 0

Yeah, seriously. You should not have texted him First. :P


Yeah, seriously. You should not have texted him First. :P

fakeaccountX 6

Yeah. You should have texted him 11th.

iGrenade 0

i believe you guys read it wrong. op's mad cuz she fed him for free.

He was probably just that desperate :)

#3, you just earned the reward for 'The Most Horrid Comment Ever'. Congratulations.

Damn, damn, damn!! I was SO in the running for that award! I was robbed!!

C6Racer 0

Hey taco! Do you crap ice cream? Awesome.

clemcool_fml 0

yeah, I wouldn't have texted him so quickly, BUT he definitely took that wrong. you should have texted back "when did you get so dimwitted?"

Sun_Kissed18 25

So quickly? It's friday. If it really was the weekend then that was a few days ago. I see nothing wrong with her response

I think she was being polite and sweet by texting him. It was only one text after all just to let him know she would be interested to go out again sometime in the future.

youfailed18 0

Looks like he isn't getting any.

what if no one calls after the first date? it's ok to keep folks like yourself from pissing in the gene pool, but not for the rest of us

janabanana18 0

If this comment were about women it would've been given at least -10 votes and probably moderated...

Man up, we don't moderate mundane stupidity.

Also that's clearly not true because there are several FML with comments similar to that about women and the comments get thumbed up quite a bit.

ydi needy pol make me sick. jk he's an idiot

Brittany0989 0

Agreed! Some guys are ridiculous when it comes to girls or dating. This was meant for comment 15, I'm not sure why it posted on this one...