By Michelle C - 26/01/2009 03:44 - United States

Today, I saw a homeless man asking for money for food. Not wanting to give him money so he'd spend it on booze, I decided to buy him a full big mac meal from McDonalds. When I went to hand it to him, he quickly waved his hand, denying it saying, "Thanks but I'm a vegetarian". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 744
You deserved it 5 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I disagree. When I give money to a homeless person I am trying to help them. if they then spend that money on alcohol or drugs I won't have improved their quality of life. If I were to give aid to a third world country expecting it to be spent on water or medicine but instead the government decided to spend it on guns I wouldn't think "I gave them the money it's theirs to do with as they will, I shouldn't dictate how they spend it" I would think "Why on earth is the money I sent to help being used to make the situation worse".

Perhaps he is a vegetarian? Eh. The only comment I was going to make was on the reference to not wanting him to go buy booze with the money they would have given them. Why do we feel that with the homeless we can decide what they spend money on. If you GIVE them money, they can choose to do whatever they want with it. Even if it is to buy a pint of whiskey. Nine times out of ten your couple of bucks isn't going to change their situation much anyway. Let them get hammered if they like. They're adults. If you feel the need to dictate what they should do with your money after you 'give' it to them, then just keep it to yourself.


I agree with #2, Beggars can't be choosers. Technically, if he wants to die of starvation, good for him. I wouldn't let someone have my money for booze. It's my freggin money. We are all being hurt by the economy. If I were homeless I would have a sign "hungry, I like Taco bell!" ::knocks on wood:: but he could specify! I say good for you for not givin' him money to waste.


uhhmm it's not ure fault if he's a douche. if i was homeless i'd eat anything and get the **** over the fact it's meat. & i agree it's a great ideaa that you didn't just give him moneyy.

Have you ever thought that maybe he was Hindu or kosher? Or maybe it could have just been a personal choice to be vegetarian? As said above, being homeless doesn't mean you lose who you are as a person. I mean sure, I'd be pissed if I went out, got someone food, and then they turned it down, but you also have to realize that not everyone is going to be like you. They're not going to eat your food, spend their money the way you do, think the way you do, etc. They're going do do what they want, and you can't decide how they're going to live their lives. What they do with the money you give them could go to booze and drugs, but to assume that is also pretty awful of you. People aren't going to fit in little stereotypical boxes. If you really want to make a difference, try donating money to an actual charity that helps the homeless, or volunteer at a shelter. P.S. I don't consider McDonald's exactly food. Even if you haven't watched Supersize Me, you know the basic idea about their food, and in no way is it healthy for you. Several people who are homeless live from day to day usually eating fast food because that's all they can afford. It's cheap, easy, fast, and it fills you up. P.P.S. You could've at least spoken to him before doing this before you got on your high horse.

HeyThereGorgeous 0

Wow. I know what you mean. My dad gave this man money to Call and afford a tow truck because it had broken down only to see him go into a gas station and buy a mass amount of cigarettes . You shoulda said "alright fine! " and then eat it all done yourself!

HeyThereGorgeous 0

#40 ... You can't exactly walk up to someone like that and say "ooh would you like to me to buy you something?" that's a little ... Ehh weird. Your nt signing a fricken business deal your attempting to do a good deed. Besides they probably wouldn't accept. But the ret of what you said I agree (:

loveurlifeJK 5

29. my thoughts exactly. beggers CAN be choosers. and what if he were allergic to the oils?? (and for the record, i wouldnt wanna give a needy child or homeless person a heartattack on a bun.) and he prolly wasnt gonna use that money on alchohol anyway. a very small precentage of homeless people are alcholics. and the ones that are usually cant feel they have to drown their sorrows. (OP, your heart was in the right place, but you should have asked him what he wanted before you bought it. :D)

CassandraBear93 0

Ungrateful bastard...FHL, give the big mac to another homeless person, or eat it yourself that point in life i wouldnt say there is much room to be each his own i tried, he denied.his loss.

Never would have seen that coming. I used to agree with not wanting to give homeless people money because they might just spend it on booze. However, being damn close to losing my house myself, I gotta say, why not let the man have a drink? We all need it sometimes. Especially in this day and age. Next time just give them money. Hope you enjoyed your big mac ;-)