By Michelle C - 26/01/2009 03:44 - United States

Today, I saw a homeless man asking for money for food. Not wanting to give him money so he'd spend it on booze, I decided to buy him a full big mac meal from McDonalds. When I went to hand it to him, he quickly waved his hand, denying it saying, "Thanks but I'm a vegetarian". FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 744
You deserved it 5 563

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I disagree. When I give money to a homeless person I am trying to help them. if they then spend that money on alcohol or drugs I won't have improved their quality of life. If I were to give aid to a third world country expecting it to be spent on water or medicine but instead the government decided to spend it on guns I wouldn't think "I gave them the money it's theirs to do with as they will, I shouldn't dictate how they spend it" I would think "Why on earth is the money I sent to help being used to make the situation worse".

Perhaps he is a vegetarian? Eh. The only comment I was going to make was on the reference to not wanting him to go buy booze with the money they would have given them. Why do we feel that with the homeless we can decide what they spend money on. If you GIVE them money, they can choose to do whatever they want with it. Even if it is to buy a pint of whiskey. Nine times out of ten your couple of bucks isn't going to change their situation much anyway. Let them get hammered if they like. They're adults. If you feel the need to dictate what they should do with your money after you 'give' it to them, then just keep it to yourself.


if I were homeless, I wouldn't be very picky...

I guess next time you (and I) will know to ask them first. I'm always reluctant to give money. Not because they're scary or gross or whatever people think, but because you hear so many stories about people just pretending to be homeless for 'easy' money.

I guess the person that said "Beggars can't be choosers" didn't know about this guy.

bleedingglitter 24

I guess beggars can be choosers.

So what if he wants to spend it on booze, at least he will be enjoying himself