
By But I wanna - 15/05/2023 23:00 - Australia - Sydney

Today, despite being married and renting my own apartment, I can't fulfil my teenage dream of slamming my wife on the sofa and pounding her like cheap mince, all because it would apparently "defile the sofa for the children." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 029
You deserved it 419

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks man. One of my kids was conceived on the very couch he now plays video games on.

Being compared to cheap mince is a total turn off so I sympathize with her


That sucks man. One of my kids was conceived on the very couch he now plays video games on.

Yeah, my dad told me that I was conceived on the den couch. We didn't have it anymore by then but it had lasted all through my childhood. Somehow I had never thought I'd been conceived anywhere but a bed.

That's a made up excuse if ever there was one. She's just not that into you.

Being compared to cheap mince is a total turn off so I sympathize with her

Maybe you could split the difference and leave the kids with the grandparents while you rent an airbnb?

My first thought is that unless the couch is really big or the people are short, a bed is a lot better place to have sex. You are married, you don’t have to have sex in the second best or third best place to have sex… I get that sometimes people have fantasies and that it may actually not turn out to be as good as in your imagination. I suggest that you try putting a blanket on the couch if this is really important to you and asking your wife if some time when the kids are out of the house you try this fantasy. Frankly I suspect you will find the bed is better. You can always wash the blanket or quilt afterwards and the couch won’t be stained.