By Anonymous - 03/12/2009 18:13 - United States

Today, I saw a girl walking to class by herself. I thought she was weird for not having any friends to walk with. Thats when I realized I was eating lunch by myself. In my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 161
You deserved it 42 699

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perstephane 4

Wow, walking to class by herself. How horrible. I mean, it couldn't at all be that her friends have a different class and that she meets up with them after. And it couldn't be that the people she's friends with in her class are coming from the opposite direction so it wouldn't be practical. Obviously she just has no friends at all. I mean, it's the only conclusion.

I think you're weird for thinking people need to walk to class in groups.


apparently if you walk alone you've got no friends!

FYL, you think walking/eating by yourself is weird? Man, you must be surrounded by freaks everyday. BTW I am posting this comment by myself; how weird! BE AFRAID!!!

dudeitsdanny 9

wh4t3v3r- Can you keep me company while I post mine? I no wanna be a loser =(

Well the fyl comes in once we found out what your eating... Mc donalds = LOSEE + 100 Toad in the ******* hole = LOSE + 50 Salad = LOSE + 200 Sammich = WIN+ 500 Tinned bread = Just go to bed... Thankyou

Yea that is really stupid. I have friends, but sometimes i'm just tired and I don't even feel like talking to anybody... Oh wait... You gotta be with someone 24/7 to look cool right? Sorry forgot...

dudeitsdanny 9

You know.. I thought The_pleb's post was actually a pretty good, valid one this time.. Is it just tradition to "thumbs-down" him and I should just shut up and do it?

Reyo 2

Anyone else reminded of the "I wore a ring to make myself seem cooler" FML? When did the collective mentality become "have a million friends or forever become an outcast"?

I feel sorry for people who believe happiness comes from doing what everyone else does. Why can't everyone be awesome like me?

iEatGuppies 0

karma's a ******* bitch? ydi

aeshleyrose 6

That is such a dumbass high school thought. I remember back then feeling like I always had to have someone with me no matter what I was doing. Now I could give a **** less, and I also wouldn't think someone else was weird just for walking somewhere alone. Jesus. Get a life OP.

FMLAddict1313 0

Not as in she's a weird person but as in that's a weird decision. Douche.

MzRodriquez95 0

Then stupid, get out of your car and make friends w/her and eat lunch together BAMM!!. Problem solved =P

So you were in your car... eating your lunch... observing a girl... And you're a man... ...D:

MzRodriquez95 0

Then stupid, get out of your car and make friends w/her and eat lunch together BAMM!!. Problem solved =P

perstephane 4

Wow, walking to class by herself. How horrible. I mean, it couldn't at all be that her friends have a different class and that she meets up with them after. And it couldn't be that the people she's friends with in her class are coming from the opposite direction so it wouldn't be practical. Obviously she just has no friends at all. I mean, it's the only conclusion.

Good solution! The,op, you might be doing something more then just eating in your car...

alright bro! exactly what we're all thinking!

sugarcoated 1

You seriously couldn't think of any reason other than 'she must not have friends' as to why she is walking to class alone? =/ I think it's clear why you were alone in your car at least.

I think you're weird for thinking people need to walk to class in groups.