By Anonymous - 03/12/2009 18:13 - United States

Today, I saw a girl walking to class by herself. I thought she was weird for not having any friends to walk with. Thats when I realized I was eating lunch by myself. In my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 160
You deserved it 42 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perstephane 4

Wow, walking to class by herself. How horrible. I mean, it couldn't at all be that her friends have a different class and that she meets up with them after. And it couldn't be that the people she's friends with in her class are coming from the opposite direction so it wouldn't be practical. Obviously she just has no friends at all. I mean, it's the only conclusion.

I think you're weird for thinking people need to walk to class in groups.


doglover100 28

That doesn't mean she doesn't have friends.

Just because she was walking alone doesn't mean she has no friends. Ydi for assuming and being an asshole

Your just a piece of shit just cause she's walking alone it doesn't mean she doesn't have any

Violord 13

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones

Wow, didn't realise it was obligatory for girls to be surrounded by a group of friends at all times just to avoid judgement by walking wankstains like you. If she wants to walk alone, she can damn well walk alone.

You sound like a jerk. No wonder YOU don't have friends!

You're an ass, you know that? Even if this girl actually had ZERO friends (which you have no reason to believe given only one instance of her walking alone somewhere), how does that make her weird?? I'd feel BAD for someone like that! Do you think people without friends choose to be without friends 100% of the time? Talk about narrow-minded...

Yeah, because people that walk to class by themselves automatically have no friends.

are you kidding me? walking to class by herself is weird? that's just stupid