By nevaagain - 19/08/2016 20:00 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, I saw a cute guy at the coffee shop reading a book. Wanting to be friendly, I smiled as I approached and asked what he was reading. He returned the smile and said, "Minding your damn business, by Fuck Off." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 454
You deserved it 3 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shit, I have to admit that while you did get blindsided and I have sympathy for you, the dude was a ******* savage

I would have responded "well I heard fans of that book are real asshats"


tbrill 15

"I thought you were cute, but apparently not, with an attitude like that." What a nasty response. Sorry OP. . . But at least you were quick to find out what piss baby he was before stroking his ego. Better to find a cute person without a shit personality.

idk, he could have been having a really bad day, op. for all we know his wife couldn't just left him for another man, or, worse for him, another woman. you never know

Well...That escalated quickly. You dodged a bullet OP. Guy sounds like a prick at best. Move on and good on you, for having the guts to approach the bastard. Better luck next time. ?

You should've said. " maybe you should read a book on manners since you don't seem to have any "

Yeah what a jerk and maybe that's why he was sitting alone.

Or cause he wanted to read without anyone talking to him...

Right, because people who choose to sit by themselves in public have no friends. /s

He was probably in a relationship, and hated constantly being picked up on by random chicks just cuz he's attractive. My brothers used to have that problem a lot.

What is with you people, expecting readers to be nice to interrupters? Leave me alone, I don't owe you my friendship, just because you think I look cute or lonely. Always hated that on my lunch breaks or commute; please let me have my half hour away from people. If you MUST try to get my attention, leave me a note. I'll see it when I put my bok down.

You're in ******* public. You have every right to not want to be interrupted, but you can simply politely indicate you want to be left alone or say it. If they won't, then you can bring the bitch out. If you act like a dick over a single sentence spoke to you, I don't care if you were at the climax of the book you're a douchebag. There's are many polite ways that you can still tell them to leave you alone.

He was reading, that means he was already politely indicating he wanted to be left the **** alone.

#98, I consider my book enough indication to leave me alone, thank you very much. If you don't get that, chances are I don't wanna waste my time on you anyway.

If I'm reading, it means I'm in a different world. I find it incredibly rude when some interrupts that without good reason. The guy was kind of a dick about it, but OP should know better.