By L0L59 - 07/09/2018 14:30

Today, I got my braces checked by another orthodontist since I've had them for years and my teeth never got the way they should be. After 8 years and 27 x-ray exams, my orthodontist didn't do much except loosen the root of the tooth to the point where I can move it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 937
You deserved it 188

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you got to the root of the problem and finally got the tooth. Just brace yourself for more work.


Well at least you got to the root of the problem and finally got the tooth. Just brace yourself for more work.

This is one of the few times that I think some sort of legal action is needed. Your time and money, and the orthodontist did absolutely nothing? It might be a small-claims court situation, but you deserve some sort of reparations.

Umm why weren't you seeing dentist every 3to6 months for adjustment your dentist sounds like he doesn't know what he's doing time for some legal action 🤔😒😕

Deez_Knots 10

U got 27 X-rays? Sue that ******* orthodontist cuz ur about to get thyroid cancer pal

Dentists have a really nasty history of continuing to do unnecessary work on people just to collect on insurance money. That’s what happened to me. My previous dentist did three fillings and a root canal on me that my new dentist said I never needed, and it all ended with me losing a tooth that was healthy to begin with. If you can get your new orthodontist to testify in court, you should pursue a malpractice suit on your former orthodontist. The only way to stop corrupt people from practicing is to drag their misdeeds into the light

Redgy22 26

It took you 8 years of wearing braces before you sought a second opinion???

I had awful teeth (stuck out when my mouth was closed) an overbite and crowding and my braces weren't even on for 8 years. I would sue

Pornstartled 14

It’s common for teeth to be loose when in ortho; especially if the dentist is moving one tooth in particular. The tissue around the loose tooth will eventually settle and stabilize the tooth. But, 8 years in ortho is way too long; no matter how jacked up your teeth were to begin with. You’ve wasted your time and your money.