By frankkathy - 26/07/2011 17:07 - United States

Today, I saved a honey bee from drowning in our pool. It promptly stung me and died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 398
You deserved it 19 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flockz 19

you ruined its suicide attempt what do u expect?


Maybe stinging you was it's way of thanking you. Or maybe it was trying to commit suicide and was pissed that you saved it.

and stinging was the only way it could kill itself at the moment?...

Captain0bv10us 0

This is the story of my life... But honey bees don't sting?

That ungrateful bastard! Should have at least said "thank you". Chivalry truly is dead, stupid bee.

But does not chivalry apply to humans only? We cannot force ourselves upon all the animals of the earth. If you try to teach a fish to hold doors for people, you are not going to succeed. Instinct is prevailant in all animals, and a bees' instinct is to attack and save the hive. The bee was doing what was chivalrous in it's own mind.

ebroski6 0

you disturbed it from committing suicide. aka drowning itself

Jdog619 11

Why did you not expect the bee to sting you when you picked it up? It's an insect; it had no idea that you were helping it.

FreezeeMonsta 19
amber_7989 0

obviously it was suicidal. duh.