By KindaObvious - 21/09/2018 16:02 - United States - Henderson

Today, I got screamed at on the toilet for telling the person who walked in on me to shut the door. My pants were around my ankles, I was holding a tampon, and the door was wide open as my mom and sister ran over to help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 310
You deserved it 331

Watermania tells us more.

Watermania 9

Believe it or not, I'm OP and this was posted on my tablet, I'm on my phone now (I'll post a picture of the other account if u don't believe me). Anyways, we were staying with a bitter old woman who believes "everything I do is right" (her words). She started screaming at me for being "disrespectful". This isn't the first occurrence of her messing with me only, and she's even purposely burned my food in the oven for not cooking it her way. Hope this helps

Top comments

IAmClay 24
AccessUnknownModerator 4


AccessUnknownModerator 4
IAmClay 24

Ok OP time for a better explanation ,who was yelling and why 🤔

Watermania 9

Believe it or not, I'm OP and this was posted on my tablet, I'm on my phone now (I'll post a picture of the other account if u don't believe me). Anyways, we were staying with a bitter old woman who believes "everything I do is right" (her words). She started screaming at me for being "disrespectful". This isn't the first occurrence of her messing with me only, and she's even purposely burned my food in the oven for not cooking it her way. Hope this helps

Wow that sounds like one crazy controlling old woman what is she a step grandma?🤔

Not a very Helpful reply.. anyways, Let me see if I have this straight.. you were using the restroom when lady walked in. you screamed “shut the door,” due to wanting privacy. she started to yell at you for being disrespectful, while you were still on the toilet? Family comes to rescue you or lady?

Perhaps leaving the door unlocked was disrespectful?

perhaps you the door didn't have a lock... not all bathrooms have locks on the doors

ChromoTec 24

That must have been bloody embarrassing

tell her to quit being a derelict ****. also maybe not stay with her

"Disrespectful" because you screech when someone walks in on you changing a tampon?! What were you supposed to do, welcome her in and ask her to show you her tampon insertion technique? What an asshole. (to those saying why not just leave, I am imagining OP is a minor with little choice in the matter, and her mom has them staying with this friend/relative/whatever she is, after some crisis like housefire, job loss or fleeing an abuser. Nobody moves in with an asshole if they have other options. I just hope whatever's going on it can be resolved soon and they get to move to a place of their own.)

Why do people in public bathrooms not lock the door? If the door is locked the problem is solved. ydi

randybryant799 20