By Anonymous - 18/12/2013 01:55 - China - Shanghai

Today, I sang a romantic song I wrote for my girlfriend. She laughed at my soprano. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 244
You deserved it 8 384

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

It really takes balls for a guy to romantically serenade a girl in a soprano voice. It would be a lot easier without them, though.

blackman100 20

It's called vocal range. You should be proud of it and so should she.


Song choice is key, OP. Dont try to b Mariah Carey with a Nicki Minaj voice

Goblin182 26

I am picturing OP sining in Tony Soprano's voice. That is hilarious.

Looks like to me you are going down an octave...or up....

I can't sing for my life, so I sing romantically to my girl. She thinks it is hilarious and it still gets the job done. Need to know what your S.O. would enjoy and if it isn't singing you need to try something else, the fact that mine thinks it is funny has turned it into a sort of comical routine.

Never really a good idea to sing/write your girlfriend a song unless you are a musician by trade. Otherwise it's just embarrassing.

You now have a future career as a comedy singer.

Maybe it was a nervous "butterflies in my stomach" laugh because she thought it was cute.

If you can truly hit up to soprano, then you should be proud. A guy to hit up in such a high register is difficult. Even better if not using falsetto.

Beepbeep7 14

And women wonder why guys don't do nice things for them.I'm sorry OP;at least you tried.