By Darling_Cherry - 02/01/2010 21:22 - United States

Today, I realized that the only male that has ever been in bed with me has been my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 153
You deserved it 6 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

devendra_fml 0

your name is quite appropriate, in that case.

This kind of depends on how old you are. If you're like 50 and you still haven't gotten laid even though you want to, then yeah, FYL. If you're 17, then the world isn't going to end if you don't have sex tomorrow.


nam3 0

why arent you in the kirchen

yasmeenjonasx3 0

Hurr durr, I'm going to reply to the first post so I'll be at the top of the page

lolz @ #19.. hahahaha.. OP, are you sad because you are lesbian or you are ugly?.. I don't know what to say in reply to your vague "FML".. The only advice I could give is to try having more people sex.. ?!. XD

same but I'm 11 so it dosent really count

Exactly. SO What if you are not getting laid.

so wut? sex is very important. wut else do u live for?

I agree. Human goal in life like any other species is to reproduce, why not have fun with it too. I feel bad for you, OP, I'm sure tour purty.

666Broghan666 0

Because FML is not a site for people to complain about bad things that happen to them.

devendra_fml 0

your name is quite appropriate, in that case.

PeacefulWicked 0

Society has nothing to do with sex. Sure, society has...influenced sex, but sex is a natural bodily function that us specific organisms were created to do. We were made to **** and keep the species alive, that's what all things are here to do, that's why they do it. Break it down. Take away money and corporations and educations and expose us as the straight up animals that we are. What's our purpose then? Is it not to reproduce? Nature tells us to.

if ur female i'll be happy to be in bed with u

devendra_fml 0
KillaKingPerrie 4

2- don't be so mean. maybe she's waiting for the right guy. don't be such an ass.

perdix 29

The bad news is that your cat is also gay. He doesn't like pussy, either.

This kind of depends on how old you are. If you're like 50 and you still haven't gotten laid even though you want to, then yeah, FYL. If you're 17, then the world isn't going to end if you don't have sex tomorrow.

ayame_jbomb_2727 0

I agree at least it wasn't your father (the term father is cause any man can father a child few can be a dad to one), I'm scared to let guys to close to me cause of my father, so you have it good. I get guys trying to sleep with me all the time, but I don't know what to do so I ditch them all, even though I am attracted to some of them (the rest are too old for me, sorry to say, but I'm not a gravedigger/golddigger) and I'm not going to be a **** even if I am plastered I still don't want to be a ****. But anyway depending on your age FYL. Unless you are around my age or younger then you still got plenty of time. BTW I'm 18.( I know I need to see a phsycologist but I doubt I will.) So FYL if your older than like 30, I think.