By mapleleafs34 - 17/01/2010 19:24 - United States

Today, I realized that the only boy that shows up at my door is the pizza boy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 282
You deserved it 7 315

Same thing different taste


all the people here who says that you are not fat from eating pizza are also fatties.

While it is true that the pizza guy is the only one who shows up at your front door... ...There's a queue of guys coming in the backdoor ;) I would also like to point out I'm #69 :)

thepainter 0

there's your problem right there :)

Thats because you are a leafs fan... life sucks when your a toronto maple leafs fan. there's even a book about how bad they suck... i'd switch soon. :D

ford_f250 0

wats ur num? well change that real quick ;)

Maybe if you stopped eating pizza all the time and started sticking your finger down your throat to make yourself throw up to loose weight you would actually be able to find a guy.

Yeah, guys dig girls that make themselves throw up. HAWT.

luella_fml 0

how do you know shes anerexic?

brunette4life 0

hahahahahahahahahaha your life SUCKS

thats what you get for being a leafs fan

facu 0

thats sad and funny at the same time