By Pouponette - 16/06/2016 11:07 - France

Today, the pizza delivery guy saw me in my underwear. My boyfriend is so ashamed of me that he pointed out to the guy twice that we were just roommates. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 118
You deserved it 1 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's time to reevaluate your relationship because if he loves you he should not be embarrassed by the way you look.


What boyfriend is ashamed of their partners body! Id definitely talk to your boyfriend if i were you- your partner should love you, not pretend that you are not dating

There is no indication at all that the bf is referring to her body. He could have been ashamed by the fact that she is walking around, answering the door, whatever in her underwear when they were expecting pizza. Seems rather unloving of her IMO.

slutfactory 17

#41, It's not like she was naked. She had her essentials covered, obviously, so I don't think that was the issue. Her boyfriend sounds like the unloving one here.

It doesn't say that SHE opened the door in her underwear, just that the pizza guy saw her in them. It could very well have been her boyfriend that opened the door, not realizing she was there and in her underwear.

So because she was in her own home, relaxing with no clothes on...she's unloving. I'm pretty sure EVERYONE walks around the privacy of their OWN HOME in their underwear at least some of the time.

I think it's time to reevaluate your relationship because if he loves you he should not be embarrassed by the way you look.

you're right but I think he was more ashamed at the fact that she had no clothes on and someone saw.

#35 then he would be angry not embarrassed. I know my boyfriend would tell him not to look again or he'd punch him in the face.

It's not as if the pizza guy was betting on someone being half naked, #42.

How rude! You definitely need to have a talk with him. If he's that ashamed of you, it might be better for both of you to break up.

What a jerk! I would dump his sorry ass if I was you.

That is so mean! I hope you really think about whether this guy deserves you or not, cos I'm sure you deserve better than someone who treats you like that

Mathalamus 24

I would be ashamed to let civilized standards to slip so far. Yeah yeah, I'll die alone with that comment...

That is not the point of this at all.

Sady_Ct 37

As a bigger girl, I used to get this shit a lot. Now I'm with a wonderful man who loves and supports me, and who is also affectionate in public and more than happy to introduce me to people as his girlfriend. If he can't stand by you infront of a complete stranger, how can you expect him to stand by you to people he knows? He either needs to wake the **** up, and start loving and appreciating you for everything that makes you you, or he needs to **** off so you an find someone who does. And if he is so damned ashamed of your body, why is he ordering pizza instead of supporting you both to get healthy? You deserve better, Love and hugs

He was ashamed because she only had underwear on

yeah, the underwear is the problem. if his gf would have been gisele bündchen in underwear, he would have been equally embarrassed. suuuuure //sarcasm off