By poorman - 18/11/2013 22:14 - United States - Derwood
Same thing different taste
By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France
Rock Bottom Riser
By Anonymous - 27/03/2020 08:19
Crypto bro
By Anonymous - 26/11/2021 05:00
By padre74 - 03/10/2016 17:31 - United States - Jackson
By Cammi0 - 02/06/2015 17:58 - United States
By IHateBeingAStudent - 12/02/2012 09:43
Smart move
By jen - 21/12/2023 11:00 - United States
By mooseknuckle - 31/05/2009 17:11 - United States
Adjusted for inflation
By Matt - 15/09/2022 11:30
By Anonymous - 10/06/2023 10:00
Top comments
Or OP is having to spend their money on bills, groceries, and other necessities that aren't too cheap
Or she could just rob the kid...mwahaha
Or she could just rob the kid...mwahaha
wow imagine if OP was joking
That reminds me of how broke people are these days. At least OP is spending his money on a good cause (hopefully). This 8th grader and this 6th grader have to SHARE a phone. That's how broke they are.
#83, phones aren't really a necessity tho. If anything its just one extra bill.
I know this is a pretty rare situation but maybe the kid has a LIT sacked, I remember when I was 4 I had $800 in my piggy bank because I did little shows for my mom and drew her pictured so she paid me fit them.
What kinda shows?(;
Some times I wonder if I want kids, they are not cheap or easy to handle. But one thing is I don't want to be like my friend who has 2 kids and ha not had a job in 2 years
He'll be a great investor when he grows up.
agreed! OP, you're a good parent!!
Kids cost money, hopefully you are spending yours on him! There is nothing wrong with being broke if you are using your money for the right reasons.
Kids dont have bills to pay. i had more money than the adults in my family until i had to start paying for everything
Kids don't have bills, and I don't know your life choices OP, but your kid has a chance to have a wonderful life. Depending on if he keeps on saving.
I agree with 93. When I was 21, I was able to save up $11,000. Then I moved back out of my parents and started paying off my student loans. 4 years later, I am broke and owe $300 to my dad plus other bills.
It's true. I had way more disposable income when I was a kid than I do as an adult. My grandparents would send me a twenty for christmas and I'd be all YAY! TWENNY BUCKS! Now I work my ass off, get paid, cover bills and rent, payments on this note and that one, pay off my gas card and... YAY! TWENNY BUCKS! Plus ca change...
Ha pun
Hes 5...
He's kidding dumbass
jeez..chill out
Then you need to start saving up.
no shit captain obvious.
Oh, shut the hell up! #27
well he certainly learned from someone... maybe your husband's good with money
Why would you assume OP is a woman (or a gay man)?
OPs username actually says "poorman"
woah woah woah...hold the **** up. I can understand gays fighting for rights and marriage. but why must he assume OP is a gay man. By saying that, you cannot assume that anyone is anything. Hell! people can assume what they want to. I may be overacting but I just don't understand why people must assume that others on the internet gay. I just felt like this had to be said I'm okay with the downvotes
Well generally if a guy talked about his husband to me I would assume he's gay... does that make sense?
#42. Having a husband would make you either a woman or a gay man. #8 didn't specify. Has nothing to do with gay rights.
Yes and that's what #32 said silly billy.
sorry guys I didn't pay attention to OPs sex. sorry if I offended anybody
Well, kids don't really have any financial troubles to worry about. They can save and save and save.
So here is a solution, have plenty of kids so they can save lots of money, solid logic right? No? Anyone? I'll let myself out then...

Kids cost money, hopefully you are spending yours on him! There is nothing wrong with being broke if you are using your money for the right reasons.
He'll be a great investor when he grows up.