By crixon42 - 18/11/2013 23:39 - United Kingdom
crixon42 tells us more.
OP here, love all you guys who appreciate the pun, and don't you all worry I do not live at home, I have a job and am not a serial sponger.
Top comments
How is this an FML? You got a laugh out of it, is that bad?
Time to get your things together!
Everyone grows older. Regardless of maturity level, time moves forward for everyone. OP, if that's how you are and you're happy it's fine. If you aren't happy, change. Just don't be the kind of immature where others have to take care of you because you're irresponsible.
Yet, there is sometimes a need to grow up and become more mature if, for example, you want a high profile job or serious task at hand. Of course, you can be immature and downright goofy at certain times (like with friends), but if you're too much of that people will lose trust in your ability to get things done and will generally view you negatively. -LifeLessons
I died a little inside when I read this.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up however is completely optional and till the day I die I shall remain cleverly disguised as a responsible adult :D
I think OP should become a comedian. They clearly like making jokes and having a laugh!! I'm still laughing at the "premature age-jaculation" joke. Pretty clever, OP. Also, I commend you on being able to enjoy the little things such as a lame joke. :P If you really feel you're going nowhere, however, start making moves! Just don't lose that inner-child. :)
Sounds like you are afraid to try to succeed.
I got married at 22 and bought a house before the wedding. I may have "grown up" but yet me and my hubby still say and do ridiculous things all the time. We are completely loony, and we make each other happy. But just like everyone else said there is a time and place for immature behaviour, and sometimes you need to be serious so people can respect you. Especially when it comes to work.
#41: High profile jobs? You mean like jobs that people like Jon "JonTron" Jafari Arin "Egoraptor" Hanson Ross "RubberNinja" O'Donovan Dan "Danny Sexbang" Avidan Barry "Razzbarry" Kramer Geoff Ramsey Gavin "Gavino" Free Jack Patillo Ray "Tuxedo Mask" Narvaez Ryan Heywood Michael "Rage Quit" Jones Felix "PewDiePie" Kjellberg Mark "Markiplier" Fischbach have? Because these people make a living off of dick jokes and video games.
So what...I am successful at my Job and I act goofy....When I'm not working. My GF likes my Goofiness. Fact is as long as OP isn't sat around, unemployed, having everything handed to him by his Parent's then making the odd Dick Joke and being stupid is fine. However if if you still feel empty in 20 years buy a sports car and enjoy the Mid Life crisis
Pen island?
I had no idea, 30. Thanks for elaborating. Now I can tell all my friends and family about it.
Okay, I'll even tell you how it goes. As a matter of fact, I'll tell them this upcoming thanksgiving :)
I'm bookmarking this FML and checking back on Thanksgiving to see what their response is.
Grow up, OP!
He already did, lol. But no one really grows up, they only learn when to act like a kid and when not to. Op, if you wanna get your shit together then do it. IT'S NOT TOO LATE! Just make sure you do it for you, and nobody else.
You mean after "cumming" up with that.
That right there is ridickulous
She shouldn't let it go to the tip of her head though, one day she'll shaft the someone with a hair trigger and get whacked.
*shakes head sadly* You're better than that, Bill. C'mon.
She's going to laugh for another ten minutes after that one! :P
ikr ideeots
Who cares?! As long as you're happy, who cares that you're not following the rules of settling down, getting married and having children? Have fun while it lasts.
You deserve it. Grow up and make something of your life.
that's a bit harsh. you sound like you're ops mother
I think ops a boy

You mean after "cumming" up with that.
Time to get your things together!