Crypto bro

By Anonymous - 26/11/2021 05:00

Today, I told my son to get a job and start paying rent. Five minutes later he transferred me rent for the next 5 years. When I demanded to know where he got that kind of money, he showed me his bank statements. He’s made more money mining Bitcoin than I’ve made in 15 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 276
You deserved it 1 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Ignoring whatever side anyone’s on about parents asking their kids for rent or seems kind of weird that the kid/adult made THAT much money and never once thought of helping his parents out or even sharing information with them about it. He had 5 years’ rent sitting in his bank account and his parents that he lived with knew nothing about that part of his life at all?? Sounds like this family has a communication problem, at the very least...


Reminds me an old episode of Dexter's lab, where his parents hire an electrician to check their installation because their electric bill is through the roof.

Marcella1016 31

Ignoring whatever side anyone’s on about parents asking their kids for rent or seems kind of weird that the kid/adult made THAT much money and never once thought of helping his parents out or even sharing information with them about it. He had 5 years’ rent sitting in his bank account and his parents that he lived with knew nothing about that part of his life at all?? Sounds like this family has a communication problem, at the very least...

Mining Bitcoin for the past few years has mostly been happening in large computer farms in China or other countries where electricity is dirt cheap. So to make large sums of money, your son would have to be extremely skilled in cryptography and number theory, and he likely also got some luck with trading said Bitcoins. Not terribly surprising that he'd be making bank with that kind of skillset.

I'd think the more likely case is that he mined a few coins several years ago when they were much cheaper and the competition was less fierce. I doubt that anyone attempting mining on a household scale is ever winning these days.

I agree. Even more likely is that he's just selling weed and referring to it as "mining bitcoin".

diraven 15

The FML part is should be that your adult son will refuse to move out for the next 5 years