By Hairylass - 02/10/2018 06:00 - United States

Today, I realized that I have an odd habit of plucking the tiny white hairs on my upper lip when I am overly stressed. But only the right side. I noticed when examining my face and seeing they'd all come back black. I've got half a mustache. I'm female. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 447
You deserved it 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have trichotillomania, I have it too, but instead of my mustache I pull at my beard hair I suggest waxing or epilating, it'll get the hairs out and they won't grow back for at least a couple weeks.

bluhbluhbluh 14

I mustache you to cut it out immediately.


bluhbluhbluh 14

I mustache you to cut it out immediately.

You have trichotillomania, I have it too, but instead of my mustache I pull at my beard hair I suggest waxing or epilating, it'll get the hairs out and they won't grow back for at least a couple weeks.

Um, that’s incorrect. What you’re thinking of is people who pull out body (not just scalp) hair.

This could be a new career for you in a freak show as the half man half woman side show 😏

Holy shit, I do this too. But I just pull the left side. Weird lady mustache plucking sister!

Does no one understand this isn't possible? It's genetics and age, and your chemical makeup that decides what colour any hair on your body is. The whole pull out a hair and it comes back thicker and darker is literally a myth and a load of crap.