By Anonymous - 03/12/2014 18:34 - United States - Hartford

Today, I realized that although I'm dating the most loveable, caring and genuine man, the fact that he's a crack addict means I'll never be his drug of choice when he needs a hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 935
You deserved it 21 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely the fact he takes crack is concern enough?

OP, shouldn't you be more worried that he's a crack addict?


I've been there myself and I know the person themselves can be truly amazing...but the addiction will always win out when push comes to don't deserve that treatment at all...maybe in time he will seek help but until then maintain some will protect you

They got addicted so they are never amazing in any sense except amazingly stupid.

I've dated one of those. the very first time he chose it over me, I ended it. grow some balls and leave that loser.

Garnetshaddow 30

The guy may be great... but he needs to get his shit together. Tell him to deal with his problem. If he us not ready for that, no amount of help will save him. In that case... DTMFA for your own sake.

akakennedy 16

Is he the most loveable, caring and genuine man when he's sober or on crack? That is the question!

Get out of the relationship trust me I went through it growing up with my dad then I decided to date a crack and heroin addict it didn't end good

Make him quit or quit. Sorry to hear this.

Way to put a silver lining on your very poor choice in men. Walk away. You can't fix him, and until (and if) he fixes himself he'll never love you as much as his drugs. You'll be no better than "the other woman".

wow every one of you is absolutely clueless!!! addiction doesn't make you a bad person. it's what you do because of it. I bet most of you read this app daily nobody looks down on you for being addicted to it......

Sorry OP, but there's NOTHING genuine, caring or loving about crack (or any other drug) addicted people. They care nothing about anyone/anything except their next fix. Time to pull up your big girl pants & either get this guy into rehab or get away from him for your own safety.