By Anonymous - 03/12/2014 18:34 - United States - Hartford

Today, I realized that although I'm dating the most loveable, caring and genuine man, the fact that he's a crack addict means I'll never be his drug of choice when he needs a hit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 935
You deserved it 21 565

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Surely the fact he takes crack is concern enough?

OP, shouldn't you be more worried that he's a crack addict?


I'm surprised the "YDI" outweighs the "YLS" because this is clearly a conscious decision you're making to open yourself for this type of hurt. Love sucks, but you still have a choice

Are you really surprised by that? Maybe get him some help instead of complaining that he doesn't make you his no. 1 priority. Surely if you love him, making sure he gets clean is the most important thing.

You selfish twat. The dudes heavily addicted to Crack and your concern is that you're not his muse? Come on.

He made the choice to get on crack. Its his fault he doesn't deserve sympathy.

Ah crack. Little known fact the tips of cupid's arrows are dipped in crack.

there has GOT to be more to this story. (ive been there, sorta) could you clarify some for us, op? and hang in there. watching someone you love battle addiction is heart wrenching.

crb25453 15

I've been there, done that. You don't want any of it. Crack is BAD. Get out while you can and while it's safe.

OP, my husband is an opiate addict. I feel for you. I hope that things go well for you and your man. If you haven't already, look into finding a local Nar-Anon/Al-Anon group for yourself. The folks there know what it's like to love someone with an addiction & what it does to us. Take care of yourself first

Maybe this FML is just some huge misunderstanding and she meant that he loves other women's cracks(asscracks)and is cheating on her(which is why she wouldn't be his first choice for a hit).Think about it guys...

FreeRunn3r 12

yet he isn't caring enough to quit for you?