By neryc - 04/07/2014 19:41 - United States - Hummelstown

Today, my little sister started freaking out, because she was playing with some white-out eraser and got some on her finger. She started crying inconsolably because she thought her entire finger was going to disappear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 449
You deserved it 4 534

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should do that trick where your thumb disappears from one hand and say it's already starting to happen to you because you got it on your thumb also.


If I were OP, I would convince the whole family to play along.

\ 28

While I'm all for having a good laugh, I don't think putting a kid that young under that kind of stress is the best way to go. That's how people develop phobias of Wite-Out.

Plot twist:They are sketches in a sketchbook

My family and I once pretended that my 5 year old niece disappeared from existence. We eventually felt bad for her after she started to worry too much, and cut it off.

Holy **** this isn't the parenting corner 17 and besides I don't think the child would develop a phobia over a ******* joke

"Oh no!! :O where is your finger? I don't see it!" Haha priceless

That will make for a great story to pester her with when she gets older.

I agree, this is one of the privileges of being an older sibling. My older sister tells a story that one day she was messing with me as a child, and in a rage, I said "I can't wait to get bigger, 'cuz when we're the same age you can't mess with me anymore!" I have since learned, however, once someone is older than you, they stay older than you instead of "waiting" for you to catch up.

Yeah my sister still teases me about stuff. It's awful

lexiieeex3 32

Exactly. It's actually really adorable.

Definitely something to bring up on her 18th birthday!

You should do that trick where your thumb disappears from one hand and say it's already starting to happen to you because you got it on your thumb also.

Don't blame her, that shit's scary, it gets everywhere

its whiteout. whiteout doesnt get everywhere. youre thinking of glitter. that shit gets everywhere.

50, Glitter: The herpes of craft supplies.

Maybe I'm just a bad brother, but I'd go along with it and get the rest of my family in on it. :3

My sister tricked me into thinking the vacuum cleaner was an alligator and would eat me alive if it came too close to me. I was 4. Yeah. Siblings are awful.

When I was 4, my sister tricked me into thinking the vacuum cleaner was an alligator. I thought I would die if I got too close. Yeah. Siblings can be mean for sure

I don't know why that went twice^ I'm sorry!

Because you posted twice? That's clearly 2 differently written comments haha

I looks like she posted one and then another because the first one didn't show up :p

Aw, in my opinion that's kind of cute. depending on how old she is.

Good point. It's adorable at 4. Not so much at 14. You see, adorability and age are inversely proportionate one to the other... Where did this lab coat and chemistry set come from?!

gjikvtj 18

You're a mental scientist now, Cake. This is your destiny.

31: your profile picture has me rubbing my screen. Every. Time.

Draw on her legs and convince her she's floating

I think my nose is gonna disappear when I do that with cocaine

Maybe a little skin tone paint will keep it there...time will tell