By Anonymous - 13/08/2015 04:39 - United States - Mount Pleasant

Today, I realized I apologize too often as I said I was sorry to my boyfriend as he broke up with me. I apologized for being sad and making him feel bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 470
You deserved it 5 751

Same thing different taste


I'm Canadian and share that same problem...

Part of the problem is that the phrase "I'm sorry" is not just an apology but also a way to express sympathy, for example "I'm sorry for your loss". And the more you say it the more of a habit it becomes.

Wait... you just apologized for him breaking up with her?!

There is another FML just like this one...oh well that probably happens

I'm the opposite. Im bad at saying sorry and when I do it's often sarcastic

It sucks that it took until this point for you to realize that you apologize too much. I tend to say sorry even when something is clearly not my fault. I have good people in my that let me know when I do it. It takes a lot of work to stop.