By Ashley - 03/05/2016 04:25 - United States - San Antonio

Today, I found out why my boyfriend of 5 years won't propose/marry me. He would rather wait for his estranged wife to meet someone, fall in love, decide to get married, and do the filing herself. He doesn't want to pay the couple of hundred dollars for the uncontested divorce filing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 819
You deserved it 2 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jentrynicole 20

You didn't think it was odd that your boyfriend has been married for the 5 years you've been together and hasn't even tried to get divorced?

You have to wonder if he really loves you that much or if he's committed if such an arbitrary amount of money is stopping him from moving on...


jentrynicole 20

You didn't think it was odd that your boyfriend has been married for the 5 years you've been together and hasn't even tried to get divorced?

Mathalamus 24

the boyfriend probably wants to try and make sure his wife is happy before moving on. its misguided in this case, but thats what i think. either that, or his fiancial situation wont permit a couple hundred for divorce proceedings. or both. or maybe he just wants her to do it because he is passive aggressively forcing her to do all the work.

Regardless of his reasons for doing it, if he truly had the intention of moving his life forward with OP, he's had 5 years to save up the money, and 5 years to make an effort.

sempisaviour 17

#15 How is #8 correct? Which of his guesses do you know is legit?

You have to wonder if he really loves you that much or if he's committed if such an arbitrary amount of money is stopping him from moving on...

To be fair, some people are just *really* conservative with their money. I'm not saying it's reasonable, but if there haven't been any other signs, it seems a bit premature to start doubting his commitment to the relationship (especially if he's been with her for five years).

Definitely put that relationship in a box and ship it ex-island. ? If he really loves you and means it then a couple hundred dollars to divorce his ex wife would be nothing. Sorry OP.

Money doesn't stop love, that's all I can say OP, I hope you find peace with it.

Prophecies of things to come OP. Make sure you really want to marry someone that cheap.

TheLostCauseFML 40

Been there. Though it only took me two years to realize my Ex would never divorce. Emphasis on the 'EX'.

traumajunkie2519 7

Found yourself a winner huh?

Hon, I think it may be time to move on. It seems he's really not that committed to you if he won't even divorce his ex.

I hate to say it, but my boyfriend is doing the same thing. We have been together for 3 years and I knew about it the whole time. it is expensive because his divorce would be an international one, making it pricy. his wife finally filed for divorce because she met someone else, and she's paying for the divorce. we are broke and she is rich so that is why I was ok with it