By flaps - 19/08/2009 21:02 - United States

Today, I re-dislocated my arm trying to get it out of the cast it was in because I didn't want to pay the $50 dollar fee to get it taken off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 709
You deserved it 95 437

Same thing different taste


MsTs1: Communism = bad Democrats: 1 Communists: 0

It's either "$50 fee" or "50 dollar fee" but it is not "$50 dollar fee." That's called redundancy. Oh, and YDI.

Oh sorry I didn't realize we were comparing ourselves to every country in the world. Well in that case we also have better health care than Rwanda so why reform it at all? *end sarcasm* America which is considered the richest most powerful country in the world has millions of people dying to get any type of health care are not even getting it. Besides the fact that insurance companies are retarded and won't cover you if you are sick. IF I WASN'T SICK OR COULD NEVER GET SICK OR INJURED I WOULDN'T NEED YOUR DAMN INSURANCE. Like the guy posting about himself paying for private insurance. We can't put a price tag on someone else's life. Thankfully I still have health insurance from an employer and another source but still. In most countries ok yes it takes a few weeks to see a specialist woopdy doo but if you need to see a specialist chances are you are not going to die within the next day otherwise they would probably treat you a lot quicker. Besides there is always the emergency room. That's what its for anyways. EMERGENCIES.

I don't think you deserved it, actually. Probably could have done it yourself if you'd been a little smarter about it. Rather than try to pull it off, cut it off with wire/bolt cutters or or something.

The economy is horrible right now. maybe the OP didn't have the money at the time or was saving it for something more important. anybody who really wants to save money would do that. well at least most people.

maybe if u weren't such a jew u wouldnt be in this situation

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