Crossed Animal

By NotCool - 19/01/2021 19:57 - United States - Midlothian

Today, just like every other day, my mom has prioritized doing chores and chatting with her neighbors above even talking to me. This would be fine, if it wasn't in Animal Crossing. Apparently, a lifestyle video game is more important than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 884
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try talking to her about it when she's not playing. As an adult she needs to prioritize her real-world responsibilities over her time spent gaming. What if her addiction continues to spiral, and she ends up skipping work, forgetting to buy groceries, missing paying a bill or two, and neglecting you so much she permanently damages your relationship? I admit I enjoy gaming as much as anyone, but I know my real life is more important. Get her to agree to a time limit, then make sure you set an alarm to tell her when she has to stop. If she refuses to listen, or agrees, but then relapses, you might want to find somewhere to hide the console.


peterblack67 9

I'm wondering how old you are that you need so much attention.

Try talking to her about it when she's not playing. As an adult she needs to prioritize her real-world responsibilities over her time spent gaming. What if her addiction continues to spiral, and she ends up skipping work, forgetting to buy groceries, missing paying a bill or two, and neglecting you so much she permanently damages your relationship? I admit I enjoy gaming as much as anyone, but I know my real life is more important. Get her to agree to a time limit, then make sure you set an alarm to tell her when she has to stop. If she refuses to listen, or agrees, but then relapses, you might want to find somewhere to hide the console.