By Anonymous - 26/09/2014 21:27 - United States

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend, only for her to slap me, throwing the "fake ring" away and storming off, convinced it was a cruel joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 022
You deserved it 3 765

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dude. Don't waste no more time with her. Find that ring and kick her to the curb.


Sounds like you're not usually a very serious guy

53, Unless he's not really the victim and it's true that he does pull these kind of pranks about serious matters all the time.

Find the ring and ask yourself if she's really worth it.

Time to move on...or get the ring and then have it tested to be real and add photos for proof then try again

skittyskatbrat 19

#33 If he has to jump through hoops like that to ask her to marry with her will be a real bitch. "Here are the receipts from the restaurants while I was on a trip, so you can verify I really went there." "Here's the picture of me changing the tire to prove I had a flat." Nooooo thanks.

If you had not be pranking her about it previously your best bet is to haul ass away from her. Marrying the wrong person can F! your life up, be careful.

Severefear 7

I know it might hurt but you should move one. Any girl who reacts by claiming its a prank either 1. doesn't want to get married or 2. has issues. Be safe, don't let your life get ****** over a girl.

She sounds like she has issues. Maybe address those before you actually get married. Congrats?

FYL…but FHL even more when she finally realizes, too late, that it wasn't a joke.