By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 05:00 - United States

Today, I overheard my parents discussing whether or not they could trust me being alone in the house for 2 days. They then came to the decision that I'm too unpopular and unattractive to ever throw a wild party or get laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 660
You deserved it 3 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissSmiley613 0

Ouchieee, sorry. But now you can prove them wrong during those two days!!!


This is ultimately their own fail. They made you unattractive and unpopular.

if they're you're biological parents, just tell them that looks are inherited. But anyways, that sucks..

kewl92 0

you'll show them. don't forget to invite me.

Ms_Popsergeant 0
Comentator 0

Prove them wrong by throwing a party and getting laid

perdix 29

There's a lot of middle-aged guys out here who are hoping that you'd date our young daughters. You're like a V-card, a Purity Ring and a chastity belt all wrapped up in one ugly package.

LOL as soon as your of age have a wild part as we nerds can have fun too!! DL Revenge of the Nerds series for proof...

Dude harsh. I'd party with you though :)