By Anonymous - 05/01/2010 05:00 - United States

Today, I overheard my parents discussing whether or not they could trust me being alone in the house for 2 days. They then came to the decision that I'm too unpopular and unattractive to ever throw a wild party or get laid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 661
You deserved it 3 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissSmiley613 0

Ouchieee, sorry. But now you can prove them wrong during those two days!!!


luuuu20 0

ouchhhh get out there and proove your rents wrong!!!!!!

Well...are you? I just realized we all assumed they were right.

If you party up then clean up it should be all good they still trust you and you get laid.

AWWIE ! that is kinda rude ! But im sure u cant be THAT unpopular.....

deannalildz 0

hahaha. your parents are total douches no offense lol. and just for that, you should totally throw a frickin wild party or somethin lol

ahahaha oh wow lol that's kinda funny, but, yeahh. throw a party to prove them wrong!!!ha or maybe u shouldn't........

my parents left me home for a weekend, I got arrested

treesdevin 0

ahahah.! ^^^^ oh goodness ... thiss made my shitty christmas better ...