Don't go to Sunn O))) concerts, kids

By Anonymous - 17/07/2021 12:01 - United States - Mount Jackson

Today, my doctor told me that the intense, non stop ringing in my ears, which started suddenly at the beginning of the year, has no cure, no treatment options, and I just need to learn to live with it. I have severe auditory sensory issues, and have barely been getting by. I don't know what to do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 117
You deserved it 88

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sady_Ct 37

I have tinnitus, there are medications that help me manage it, as well as getting my neck cracked by a chiropractor. I’ve had tinnitus since I was 15 and I’m now 33. It will depend on the cause, which does need to be investigated, but your doctor shrugging it off without even investigating is problematic in this regard. If you want to message me, I can explain what medications and options I have worked through with doctors as well.


RowerBud 11

There is no cure for tinnitus. I've lived with it my whole life. White noise at night helps me sleep.

I second this, pretty much keeping your mind slightly busy so there is no point in which there is dead silence

Sady_Ct 37

I have tinnitus, there are medications that help me manage it, as well as getting my neck cracked by a chiropractor. I’ve had tinnitus since I was 15 and I’m now 33. It will depend on the cause, which does need to be investigated, but your doctor shrugging it off without even investigating is problematic in this regard. If you want to message me, I can explain what medications and options I have worked through with doctors as well.

mimisky 7

That is a good idea, a good chiropractor, along with other things, sounds like good advice. If there’s anything being blocked, you can’t believe how it affects so many body systems. I’m guessing you probably will need something else, as well, but it’s a start. I think the white noise that someone mentioned, is also a good idea. OMG, I am so so sorry! I have heard of that before, either on a documentary or in the news, I can’t remember. I felt so bad hearing about that and they were trying everything to find answers and get rid of it. There needs to be some serious research done! I am curious to see if I can a find something out, that has to be just maddening. I want to see if there has been anyone whose found some treatment-anything, that helped or knew of possibilities coming up in the future. Anyway, you’ll be the first to know if I find something out. I’m rooting for you!!

See if one of those indoor fountains help dealing with the noise. And yes, go see a different doctor.

DuckyDee 6

I have tinnitus and use hearing aids that play a white noise to mask it. It works wonders for me! Go to an audiologist and get all of your options!!

mimisky 7

I’m sorry my comments are displayed more than once, but every time I hit send, it said there was an error and would not post it, so I did not know it was actually posted! Sorry about that!