By Anonymous - 11/03/2019 22:00

Today, I organized a party at my place, invited 20 people, bought snacks and cancelled my workout. Nobody showed up. I ended up eating a whole ciabatta alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 598
You deserved it 247

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least now you have time to work off the ciabatta. And you lost about 2500 lbs worth of "friends". But make sure you didn't make a mistake on the invites first. If absolutely NO ONE showed up, you could have made a mistake with the date.

manb91uk 22

A whole Ciabatta? How on Earth did you fit it all in?


At least now you have time to work off the ciabatta. And you lost about 2500 lbs worth of "friends". But make sure you didn't make a mistake on the invites first. If absolutely NO ONE showed up, you could have made a mistake with the date.

manb91uk 22

A whole Ciabatta? How on Earth did you fit it all in?

mostlyharmless613 4

that's what she said. or he. whatever. someone said that in a sexual context which is why this generates a slight chuckle followed by rolling

in todays selfish times you need to test out who your friends are clearly this party showed they are not into you its really hard but having a constant good vibe (without being a pushover) around people gets you friends

You did have a workout for your jaw. Maybe vacuuming up all that food begins your new hobby of competitive eating? Who were these 20 people? Have you ever heard of RSVPs?

Unless they actually told you they were coming, presume they aren't coming.

vivavee 2

Happened to me before, now I have a fear of throwing parties.