By Noname - 08/03/2009 04:28 - United States

Today, I opened my birthday present from my grandfather. It was a map of the USA color coded by regional percentage of available men. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 722
You deserved it 4 489

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone's in a hurry to get those great-grandchildren.

Emika_fml 0

That's an awesome gift! Where can I buy one?


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Err no, not the hots. And OP shouldn't be so upset. My grandpa says dating is an abomination of God.

iMaGiNaTe 0

I'm wondering if there is a map just like this of single moms... hmm, my friends wouldike it :D

hahahahaha sry but it's a little sad ur gramps is trying to hook u up

u have an awesome grandpa. at least he cares enough to get u anything

66- poor you xD OP- don't worry, it was probably his.

Humm... I'm not sure, but maybe he's trying to tell you something by giving you this...? :D

Someone's in a hurry to get those great-grandchildren.

Maybe he just wants grandchildren before he dies? :P

she IS his grandchild. he has grand children. you mean great grandchildren

Emika_fml 0

That's an awesome gift! Where can I buy one?

raptor_fml 0

if you are a male, then your grandpa is hilarious.

llamingo 8

Lol yeah but the icon is female