By wtf - 30/05/2012 21:34 - United Kingdom - Staines

Today, I met up with my dad after having worked abroad for the past six months. Apparently, during that time he's had a mid-life crisis or been snorting a few too many turds, because he's now some sort of hippie calling himself "Memnoch of Pleiades". FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 513
You deserved it 2 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stevenJB 25

The hell does that mean? O.o

Memnoch of Pleiades probably sounds much better when you're tripping on Acid


yeaperoos 4 do you even pronounce that? O_o

comeatmebroo6254 1

Haha "he's been snorting too many turds". I like that.

TahoeFMler 22

"A few too many turds?" wtf?! A turd would be too many. I hope this is a euphemism for something I'm too old to understand..

Memnoch of Pleiades? So he's basically the name given to Old Harry in a rather odd Ann Rice novel, and claims to come from/have dominion over the Seven Sisters star cluster? *cocks Evoker*

hateevryone 14

Lol snorting too many turds!

CinnamonRugby 5

I tried the turd sniffing diet once. It claims you'll loose 15lbs in a week, but it doesnt mention that its through delirious hippie visions.

iBiteRoses 22

So what exactly are 'turds' pray tell

Shit. I actually have no idea how you didn't know that.

shit! that can't be too easy to get up the nostrils! oh, imagine the drip down the throat. ugh!