By grem - 13/04/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's family for the first time. I was playing with his little sister by grabbing her arms and spinning her around. On one turn, she started screaming in pain. It turns out I dislocated both her shoulders. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 688
You deserved it 69 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

prttyyngthng 0

That's one HELL of a first impression.

the shoulders are supposed to stay IN the sockets? oh, oh dear.


i wonder if you get in there house one more time :P

my dad did this to me and both my sisters once before figuring out not to do this anymore!

truladyred 0

Screams of joy? Nope! That's pain! Hope you didn't like that girl too much because chances are, it's OVER.

kerpal 0

Wow, how stupid can you get? Little children are not little toys.

aww, i don't think YDI. i would have been careful spinning a kid using one arm, but i would never expect BOTH to pop out! hope it works out better with the next bf... this one's parents are going to berate you behind your back until he dumps you.

LOL #20! I was just imagining that in my head AHAHAHAHAH Damn but thinking about dislocating her shoulder is hella nasty...FHL for sure

danc501 1

And that is why you never ever pick kids up by their arms... always pick them up from under their armpits/torso... that poor child....