By grem - 13/04/2009 23:27 - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's family for the first time. I was playing with his little sister by grabbing her arms and spinning her around. On one turn, she started screaming in pain. It turns out I dislocated both her shoulders. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 688
You deserved it 69 519

Same thing different taste

Top comments

prttyyngthng 0

That's one HELL of a first impression.

the shoulders are supposed to stay IN the sockets? oh, oh dear.


LOL @ #24 you really are too rough. i don't think his parents like you now!

Trix_Disorder 20

This is horrible, but I laughed. Why is physical pain so damned hilarious? XD

That's why you either don't toss a child around, or you grab her by the torso under the armpits

tash14 1

This actually happens a lot, I know it's embarrassing, but try not to dwell on it too much. And for future reference, grabbing under their armpits around the torso (as 43 said) is much safer.... not only will their shoulders not dislocate, but you don't have to worry about your grip slipping and sending the kid flying, you have better control.

Oooooooh ouch, that's embarassing. At least dislocations are easy to fix. Better than breaking her wrists!

It's okay. My dad accidentally popped my arm out when I was little doing the same exact thing. She'll get over it and it'll be a great anecdote.

your_mother 0

congrats on that one, his parents must love you now

basketballbabee 0

That happened to me dad was spinning me around. It's really common just try to make a better impression the second time? haha. sorry but this is really funny!

Yikes, well on the plus side you know you've got strength.

TigerPride 0