By Yohm - 06/11/2008 09:41 - France

Today, I’m starting my 28th year with 28 cents on my bank account. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 544
You deserved it 12 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

riack 2

yeah 800 of your mom and dads money. nothing to brag about

I actually didn't laugh on this one. It's not funny. it's depressing. I'm truly sorry. Hopefully you'll run into some good fortune soon.


alwaysalady 0

I've had one cent in my bank account.

....well, think about how happy you'll be on your millionth birthday!

49- Cute :3 lolz. But for a million-year-old person, $10,000 isn't that much :o

doggypoop9496 0

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riack 2

yeah 800 of your mom and dads money. nothing to brag about

but the guy in the FML can't get a job

13 with 5,000 xD and no. this money isn't from my parents.

15 with somewhere around $80. My boss owes me over $1500.

Nederlander95 14

He flashes at his school like that other girl on FML, except this guy charges people.

EdiciusYoko 0

That sucks so much... but I laughed so hard...

I actually didn't laugh on this one. It's not funny. it's depressing. I'm truly sorry. Hopefully you'll run into some good fortune soon.

I agree with #9, times are tough these days. I hope your luck changes.

I say u get ur ass moved and fid a ******* job am 15 and I dont get allowance I work for my money and I ******* love it =)

You don't have to pay for rent, food, gasoline, heating, internet, cooling, natural gas, water or electricity. I bet you couldn't do that.

As much as I hate to make one of those "I agree posts"... I totally agree with ya, #60. Lol. #12, grow up and stop acting like you're fully supporting yourself with your own job when you're really just living off your parents. Get ready for the real world, bud. :P

sam34_fml 0

4 words: your life is ******

n ur wasting ur time on fml? wow.. loser

Then wouldn't that make you a loser as well?

#15 is implying that OP should be out making money instead of sitting on the internet posting about his problems. I don't know OP's circumstances, but if he's in that bad of a financial position he should stop paying for the internet service he's using.