By Maleficia - 19/01/2017 08:25

Today, the government froze my bank account for not paying college debt, and now I can't access my 0.30 cents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 887
You deserved it 1 497

Same thing different taste

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What this person meant is that they didn't put a dollar sign, and if they had the word "cents" would be unnecessary. As they wrote it, 0.30 is the same as writing ".3" meaning that yes, technically OP wrote that they had .3 cents, which would be less than a cent, which means less than a penny.


CrazyJolteon 0

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CrazyJolteon 0

He said 0.30 CENTS that's les Ethan one cent

.03 would be less than a penny. Sounds like you need some college debt, or at least go back to 5th grade math.

Pretty sure comprehending the fact that 30 cents is thirty pennies is a bit more basic than fifth-grade level. It's more common sense than actual math.

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U might need to go back to 5th grade as well..

What this person meant is that they didn't put a dollar sign, and if they had the word "cents" would be unnecessary. As they wrote it, 0.30 is the same as writing ".3" meaning that yes, technically OP wrote that they had .3 cents, which would be less than a cent, which means less than a penny.

You know what they meant, stop trying to be a smart ass

At least they only have hold on 30 cents, but make arrangements with the creditor and they should take the garnishment off your accounts.

jcash52426 5

Sounds like this is a lose lose situation. The government drove your account cause they want to get paid and your broke and can't pay the government.

ashyash90 8

Government didn't force them to take out s loan. it's a loan. you have to pay it. I have them for my school. it's hard to pay, yes, so you have to ask for a payment plan. you can't just hide then get mad when they force you to pay up. it's a loan not a handout.

species4872 19

<p>&nbsp;Next they'll be docking your pay from maccas.</p>

mommyofalittlemiss 1

If the aid is federal, then yes, indeed they can. In fact, not only can they freeze your assets, they can take most (if not all) of your tax return, and garnish your wages (meaning that if you're employed by any place that reports income to the government, which is practically every job, they'll contact your employer, and the employer will give a certain percent of what you make directly to the government before you receive anything).

<p>I think it's a message. The government wants you to work under the table.</p>

DemCherries 4

<p>"I went to live in the woods because I had $90,000 in college debt" -Thoreau</p> <h1 class="quoteText">&nbsp;</h1>

<p>"I went to live in the woods because I had $90,000 in college debt" -Thoreau</p> <h1 class="quoteText">&nbsp;</h1>


<p>Should have taken something other than gender studies.</p>