By Anonymous - 25/02/2013 08:39 - Canada - Saskatoon
Same thing different taste
Strung out
By Anonymous - 22/01/2023 16:30 - Australia
By Anonymous - 18/09/2014 15:38 - Taiwan - Taipei
By joanikens - 14/11/2016 07:20
By APoorGuy - 15/03/2016 12:08 - United States - Chevy Chase
By FoodNeeded - 25/08/2016 02:24 - Russian Federation - Moscow
By Username - 01/07/2011 21:47 - United States
By Jago - 12/08/2021 03:01
No good deed…
By noespresso - 15/08/2010 20:20 - United States
By BrokeAF - 20/07/2017 05:01
By Anonymous - 23/02/2011 16:04 - United States
Top comments
Maybe it's a kid who doesn't have a job yet but loves her coffee.
Lemon aid? It's lemonade
You spelled lemonade wrong. Unless you got your lemons from Africa, they probably don't have lemon-AIDS.
44 - I assumed they didn't have much of a job because they just admitted to spending 'all day' searching for at the very least, they only work part time, in which case they could try and get a second job or ask for more hours at the current job.
Yeah, because full time jobs all make you work every single day...? Could've been written on a Sunday and she buys coffee before or at work on days she's working. I can only assume half the commenters being snotty don't have jobs either because apparently they don't know how they actually work. Funnily enough, I came into the comments section thinking the OP was being ridiculous.
Classic lemonaid stand? Kids got fined over $500 bc they didn't have a vending permit. Totalitarian takeover prevents things like that anymore these days.
First, they came for the lemonade stands and I said nothing.
Hey now, lemons need help too.
Awe, just got to McDonald's... Free coffee ;)
I live in Calgary, PLUS I work at McDonald's. free small coffee, medium is 21 cents large is 42 for another week. And McDonald's coffee is some of the best coffee out there. We're above Starbucks in sales and closing in on Tim hortans. I've never heard of McDonald's selling coffee for 3 bucks... It's not even 2 bucks regular price. So wherever you live is ******
I don't know why 2 is being downvoted. She lives in Canada, just like TheDrifter and I, where there IS a Free McDonalds coffee promotion. Are you guys jealous, or just *lowers sunglasses* Bitter?
#31, I live in America, where they would charge for breathing air if they could. I don't know what free is in my part of town. #40 Hell yeah I'm jealous! Well, not so much because it's McDonald's, but that coffee can be that cheap at your fast food.. But right on. I mean, if it's cheap, then buy your coffee there. I'm just saying that the McDonalds near my area, is kinda pricey for preheated food and the coffee is no bueno. Maybe it's just that branch. I dunno.
In some American Starbucks you can say "I'm visiting from Canada" they'll give you a free coffee to get you to switch from Tim Hortons
You guys wouldn't be able to live in Australia, it's almost $6 for a coffee.
or maybe he should nust make coffee at home. it saves alot of money in the long run
In Chicago, McDonalds is offering free coffee on Monday mornings. Personally, I'm more excited about the Shamrock shake being back. I make my own coffee at home.
#70, the average for a regular coffee in Sydney is around $3.50.
Stand on the corner of the highway in torn clothes with a sign on cardboard. I give money to those people all of the time.
#37, While those are heartwarming signs, I hope you didn't interpret my comment the wrong way. I merely enjoy someone with a sense of humor. I mean, there are some people who are in poverty that are so bitter whereas there are people, such as the gentlemen that was holding the sign that I loved, who are upbeat. This man was poor, sleeping under a bridge, and currently trying to get a job at McDonalds, but yet, he was cheerful. Funny. Endearing. You see? He had nothing, yet he still found reasons to smile, and make others smile. So I gave him money. While I'll give money to others, because I have seen signs like you have stated above as well, I just expressed my preference for the more humorous ones because, well.. They see past life's hardships.
Gonna be a cheap coffee!
Time for a new job.
Time for a change. I bet you'd have more money if you didn't buy coffee everyday.
Really! Do it yourself is always cheaper.
Exactly! If you're so poor you shouldn't be spending your last cent on coffee.
39- I agree, not to mention how screwed up the priorities in this whole FML thread is. This is hardly an FML. Come back when you're scrounging together pennies to buy your first meal in two days, like the truly impoverished people who deserve to say "**** my life". They have 1001 more reasons to complain than you, yet most of them realize it could be worse, that someone else is probably in a worse place, so they're grateful for every cent, every drop of water and every laugh.
live life on cheap caffeine! mountain dew til ya shake!
Perhaps if you didn't buy so many cups of coffee, you could afford your own $10 coffee machine and coffee beans. That way you can make your own coffee for a few pennies a cup, and I guarantee you it's 100x better than that swill they sell at Starbucks.
Starbucks is the devil.
Try water for a change. Or visit a friend with a coffee machine.
Or she could just make her own coffee. A tin of instant coffee, milk and hot water is cheaper than buying a coffee from Starbucks (or wherever OP buys it from) all the time. It probably tastes better too.

Time for a change. I bet you'd have more money if you didn't buy coffee everyday.
Perhaps if you didn't buy so many cups of coffee, you could afford your own $10 coffee machine and coffee beans. That way you can make your own coffee for a few pennies a cup, and I guarantee you it's 100x better than that swill they sell at Starbucks.