By deadman - 09/07/2012 18:25 - United Kingdom - Market Harborough

Today, I'm having heart surgery. The doc came in, donut in one hand and papers in another. While I was filling them out, his hands kept trembling, and he dropped the donut on the floor. He fumbled to pick it up and kept eating. The guy I'm entrusting my life to doesn't even respect the five-second rule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 377
You deserved it 2 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thundergirl_fml 2

I'd be more concerned about his trembling hands considering you're having heart surgery...


I went in for heart surgery also!! And the doctor came in with coffee in one hand papers in the other! He was trembling horribly! The coffee was about to spill all over!!

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zzzmonkey 5

I'd worry more about the fact that his hands are shaking!

Dude, there is no five second rule in a hospital. Disgusting.

Yeah, imagine this: Bacteria 1: "Don´t hop on that bagel, it has not been on the ground for 5 seconds, yet!" Bacteria 2: "Yeah, sure. I´ll wait 2 seconds..."

Uhm yeah I find it reassuring that the doctor is smart enough to know that the 5 second rule is BS but still FYL cuz of the trembling hands.

do you realize how clean a hospital floor is? I don't think you do, those floors are spotless

Hope he doesn't do the same with your heart