By deadman - 09/07/2012 18:25 - United Kingdom - Market Harborough

Today, I'm having heart surgery. The doc came in, donut in one hand and papers in another. While I was filling them out, his hands kept trembling, and he dropped the donut on the floor. He fumbled to pick it up and kept eating. The guy I'm entrusting my life to doesn't even respect the five-second rule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 377
You deserved it 2 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thundergirl_fml 2

I'd be more concerned about his trembling hands considering you're having heart surgery...


It is at a hospital, they have the cleanest g Floors in the world......I hope

mowmowlife 21

Yeah, just got an account to restate that the trembling hands is your top concern, especially seeing he's going to/dealt with your heart.

andthepennydrops 6

# 32, yeah, cause guys with heart problems are always the fastest runners

I've had three open heart surgeries.

coolbrony12 3

Ask for a different doctor to do the surgery.

Fooberry 9

I'd be more concerned with the trembling than the 5 second rule thing.

Try to look on the bright side. You have to go to vaccination this year.

Thank you #127 and #129. The trembling, to me, seems like its his first operation and he's nervous. And Mythbusters proves the 5-second rule is a bunch if BS, and that anyone with an immune system shouldn't have to worry anyways.