By deadman - 09/07/2012 18:25 - United Kingdom - Market Harborough

Today, I'm having heart surgery. The doc came in, donut in one hand and papers in another. While I was filling them out, his hands kept trembling, and he dropped the donut on the floor. He fumbled to pick it up and kept eating. The guy I'm entrusting my life to doesn't even respect the five-second rule. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 377
You deserved it 2 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thundergirl_fml 2

I'd be more concerned about his trembling hands considering you're having heart surgery...


turtlechef 2

Does no one realize this is in a hospital that has cleaner floors than anything it's not that bad

Consent is always yours to take back. Just because you're already there doesn't mean you have to go through with it. I hope you have an easy and quick recovery.

I find this hard to believe. I've worked with a lot of heart surgeons over the past 28 years & they all think they're God. They act like it, too. But what they DON'T act like is the bumbling fool you described, especially in front of a patient.

noisebox 1

Sounds like he should been a cop. Good luck to you...

Urgh, disgusting. Why would you eat something you just dropped on the floor?

Okkkay i would jus like to ask... butt how come if you are having heart sugery TODAY ... you are writing on fml ... they let yhu out dat fast ?? orr you have nothing betta to do ??

cancel fly to Houston TX best medical in the world. you don't **** around with your heart.

as soon as it touches the floor, in that first millisecond, its coated in bacteria. 5 second rule my ass

sceaniebeanie 1

I'd be worried that he can't even stay steady.